2.) You’re going to lose friends. Over petty stuff, and over serious stuff. And thats okay because you’re going to make new friends too. Eliminate the toxic people in your life. You owe yourself that much.
3.) If they tell you they love you, take caution. Please for the love of God make sure their actions back up their words. If they make you cry more than they make you laugh, leave. If they lay a hand on you, leave. If you’re questioning it at all, leave.
4.) If its great and you love them back? Treasure it. Savor every single mushy text message. Write poems about their eyes. Don’t think about tomorrow, focus on today. Take pictures. Be the couple everyone envies.
5.) When things become hard, like “I can’t get out of bed” hard, DO NOT IGNORE THAT, that isn’t how things should be. If you ever start thinking about harming your beautiful body I want you to talk to someone. It will be difficult but it could be the difference between life and death. You won’t sound stupid or dramatic.
6.) Bring your camera everywhere. Take pictures everyday. When you look back on them, it will be one of the best feelings in the world. It’s true what they say about re-living a moment. Just take my word for it.
7.) You’re going to roll your eyes at this one – do your homework. Study. Do as well as you can. Get your diploma and get out of that town that makes you miserable. There is so much more to this life than your bedroom walls. If school becomes too much, reach out. But don’t forget school is a great ticket out of this place.
8.) Don’t let others tell you what is and what isn’t cool. You will regret this for the rest of your life if you do.
9.) If you are unsure of who you are, that’s okay. I’m 18 and I still am figuring myself out. Who you are is beautiful. Anyone who makes you feel otherwise doesn’t deserve to be in your life.
10.) If you’re alone and shaking because it hurts too much, if you’re collapsed on the floor because you’re tired of waking up, go get help. It’s not okay to want to end your life. Stay alive. Stay alive. Stay alive.
11.) Don’t drink and drive, simple.
12.) BE LOUD. Voice your opinion. Be heard. Help those who are unable to be loud, and make sure your opinion doesn’t disrespect anyone else existence. People are going to try and quite you down, because they would rather ignore the problems in the world. This is when you need to be the loudest.
13.) Wear the red lipstick.
14.) Take a day out of your busy schedule and go to a playground. It’s good to honor our youth. Who cares if you look silly? These are the days that will mean the most.
15.) Family is very important in our lives but sadly even they can be unhealthy. Get out of there. Put yourself first. Don’t let your family drag you down with them. You can love them without being caught up in their mess. This won’t make you a bad daughter, son, or person.
16.) Find a band that makes you feel at ease, that you can listen to when you’re not sure about anything. This band will have value the rest of your life.
17.) Your shorts weren’t too short. Your shirt wasn’t too low. This wasn’t your fault. It isn’t your fault.
18.) Climb mountains. Swim in rivers, and oceans. Worship nature, remember where we came from.
19.) Make sure you tell your friends you love them often. Chances are they need to hear it.
20.) Will it always be easy? No. But guess what? It’s going to be worth it.”
— Things I Wish I Had Been Told Growing Up.
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