thank you
Thank you for loving me..
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It’s so easy to love someone when things are perfect and everything’s wonderful. But to love someone when things are difficult, when they’re not being perfect, when they’re messing up, flaws are seen, mistakes are made, i think that’s what really allows you to see how much love really is there. Anyone can love someone who’s doing and saying all the right things, being everything you want and need, when they’ve got it all together, when they have it all figured out, but to love someone at their lowest, to love someone despite how broken they feel, when they’re lost, when you’re willing to stand by them no matter how challenging or difficult things may be, i think that kind of love is a lot more beautiful. I think that kind of love is a lot more meaningful. Thank you for loving me both times, when things are good and also when things are bad. Thank you for taking in every aspect and part of me, accepting my flaws, forgiving my mistakes, helping me become the best version of me possible.
― Unfinished Thoughts ( wildravissement )
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