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sometimes quotes
- Sometimes, it's not the song that makes you emotional..
- Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people.
- Sometimes you face difficulties..
- Sometimes the wrong path can lead us to the right road.
- Twisted logic
- When you love people, you want what’s best for them, and sometimes what’s best for them isn’t you.
- Sometimes I keep my feelings to myself
- Sometimes I am not angry, I'm hurt, and there's a big difference.
- Let them miss you. Sometimes when you're always available, they take you for granted because they think you'll always stay.
- Living in the moment
- I knew I matured when I realized every situation doesn't need a reaction.
- Be nice.
- Sometimes you need to burn bridges to stop yourself from crossing them again.
- Sometimes walking away is the only option.
- Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to just stop caring.
- Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.
- Sometimes those who don't socialize much aren't actually anti-social, they just have no tolerance for drama and fake people.
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