Love Hate

Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred.

Love Hate

Love Hate

Love Hate

Love Hate

Love Hate

Love Hate

Love Hate

Love Hate

Many people are misguided when they think that true love will pull them through the hard times. The lie destroys many relationships between people who think that the pain and suffering is too great to stay committed to and therefore it was not true love. The reality is that no relationship has true love until after they allow themselves to die in the process of keeping the commitment they made. If you realize this truth then you will be able to look beyond the trials and focus on the prize that awaits you on the other side. Keep your eyes focused on the true love that you will eventually enjoy as a result of faithfulness. It will not soften the hateful emotions you suffer now, but it will make survival possible. If you allow yourself to open your eyes to the fact that your soul mate is also required to suffer the same tempering then you may be able to get over the "that's not fair" emotions. As you both hang on with everything in you, you will begin to build trust in each other when you see that they have remained faithful. That is the point when the trials begin to soften.

Then the next trial will come and it will be hotter than the last. It is another opportunity to make your love more true.

Motivational Love

It is hard to ever beat the first date, first kiss or the first moment we meet someone that we instantly fall in love with. The follow up dates tend to still be great, and might amplify our original feeling but that is only until the novelty of having something new wears off. I know it might be a bit harsh to think of it in those terms, but we as human beings basically like new things. We like new toys, cars, wardrobes and are very happy in the beginning but it soon wears off. Even when eating great food, it usually does not taste as good the next time and if we ate it everyday we would soon grow sick of it.

Motivational Love

Motivational Love

Motivational Love

Motivational Love

Motivational Love

I will give a little example of this as I went on a trip to Tokyo. I stayed at a top rate hotel, and the breakfast menu had everything that you could imagine with the buffet area being bigger than my entire town home. I was the happiest person alive until the next day, as I already felt it was not the same. As I came back to that same hotel two weeks later it was just more of the same and I became bored of it. It is insane when I think back on it as the place was magnificent and the food beyond delicious. So with that in mind, what do we do about love?

Many couples go through a stagnant period, and thus the divorce rate in this country is booming. I believe that it crossed the fifty percent threshold a long time ago already. This makes single mothers and single fathers the new norm. I do not think that their kids feel like it is normal. They probably deal with it and put on a front, but I think there is a direct correlation between our lifestyles and the many burdens that we place on the kids' shoulders. So what do we say to a friend that tells us, I just do not love her/him anymore and am thinking about leaving? It depends how good of a friend they are, right? I don't think that many of us would know what to tell them, as many our having the same thoughts ourselves.

I came upon and audio lecture the other day by a relationships specialist and they mentioned studies that were done on couples such as these. Usually this doctor only seen and spoken to the person that was thinking of leaving, and this way was able to come to a few interesting conclusions. The first one is that love is a verb, not a feeling. We can love to love, but there is no such thing as just loving a person. When you think of love really try to dissect the meaning. Isn't it all about the sacrifice, selflessness and placing the other person first? If we want to get our love back, we can start by making the actions first. This specialist said that the people that did, all came back saying that the feeling was coming back or that it was there the entire time just buried under all the other junk.

I think this is a very positive message to the rest of us. If we want to feel loved, we should love first. Do something nice for your partner and don't expect anything in return, now that is love.

Love Poems

Love poems have been an integral part of any literature, whether it is Western or Oriental. In fact, some of the best literature is related to love. Love is all pervasive and cannot be confined to any particular race or community. Hence, love poems have existed since ancient times.

Love Poems

Love Poems

Love Poems

Love Poems

Love Poems

Love Poems

Love Poems

Love has the power to change an ordinary person into a genuine poet, thereby encouraging him to write delightful love poems. Normally, the language of a love poem is simply flattering, and sometimes exaggerated, too.

Sometimes, a lot of negative thoughts tend to creep in a love poem if the poet is suffering due to lost love or unfulfilled love. Such poems reflect his shattered dreams, agony, and frustration.

Love is an eternal feeling- so expect love poems to reflect the changing times even though love remains the core theme always.

Short Love Poems

When special occasions come, the demand for short love poems heightens. This is for the fact that love verses, especially poems that are personally written by the person giving it, can really touch someone's heart. What else can express and explicitly show one's emotions rather than short love poems? Compared to other expressions of love, like flowers, chocolates, etc, poems can be dubbed as ultimate symbols of love as they have the power to send the message of passion to the other person, letting him or her know that she or he is very special. Poems are so personal that you got to think over and over again the best love poem that will suit your significant other or your beloved.

Short Love Poems

Short Love Poems

Short Love Poems

Short Love Poems

Short Love Poems

Poems are windows of the heart and they sing the tales of love. It can be considered as an ultimate expression of love. So, if you are thinking about offering them to your special someone, make sure to choose short love poems that perfectly mirror your heart. It will be much better however if you write your own love poem. Not only that he or she will appreciate it, but your short love poems will make romantic memories that can be treasured for life.

Love SMS

Is not love the secret feeling of all? We all love our father, mother, brother or sister, but never try to compares these feeling of being in loved with someone. We all may talk about feeling, but we may truly understand this once we feel. There are now so hundreds of ways to show your feelings to someone. And one of them is by sending love SMS Messages.

I love you, I always thinking of you, I really miss you, and many other fully lovely thoughts may be sent to your beloved, to your friends or family with the help of SMS Messages. In an unfortunate case the someone go live far away, you now also have the option to send Missing You SMS that will express your feelings of missing to them.

Love SMS

Love SMS

Love SMS

Love SMS

Love SMS

Love SMS

But first of all, you should learn something about SMS. The popular SMS Message is no doubt about the valentine's ones. The first love SMS is attributed to Charles, the Duke of Orleans. Because he was imprisoned in the Tower of London

(United Kingdom), he selects to send his thoughts through Message to his lonely wife this way. He wrote some romantic verses and sent them as small letters to his wife. By the end of the 18th century, SMS became the most important and useful popular way to express your love to someone special. The SMS always fulfill with your emotion.

Nowadays, you can find SMS in many site worldwide. There are thousands of thousands of website which offer free SMS. You can find thousand and thousands of specialized love SMS Message with full of love. You can customize them with your own love feeling too and may send it to someone special, or you may easily have one emailed to him or her by any subject.

So, do not bother about thinking the ways for showing your affection to his / her. It is so simple and easier, and sometimes cuter to send his / her nice love SMS Message. You can come up with your own message with full of your feeling. More, you can express your feelings with SMS Message. I can 100% bet your that girlfriend will be impressed if you will send her a SMS message but its necessary to send with full love.

Magic Love

From white magic spells, black magic spells, pagan magic, witchcraft, herbal or candle magic, occult magic with spirit evoking, use of talismans, to amulets, charms, portions, stones, etc, the paranormal and magical realm opens up to provide both offensive and defensive magic love spells, spell reversals and much more.

Magic Love

Magic Love

Magic Love

Magic Love

Magic Love

Magic Love

Admittedly, powerful witchcraft magic love spell to make your husband come back to you fast may sound like something complicated, but on a very basic level, it is not too complicated. The primary aim of powerful witchcraft magic spell to make your husband come back to you is to gain back lost love. This type of lost love spell is usually done by women who have lost their husbands to other beautiful and attractive women and wants them back at all cost.

Best Love Sayings

Given the topic of the "best love sayings", we could easily fill up the page with paragraph after paragraph of flowery prose and call it a day. But we're not going to do that, as there are many such sites you can go to already if all you are looking for is a few choice lines to text to your paramour. Instead, we're going to examine a few of the so-called "best love sayings" and explore the deeper significance behind them.

Best Love Sayings

Best Love Sayings

Best Love Sayings

Best Love Sayings

Best Love Sayings

Let's start out with this gem by Sam Keen. Keen wrote "We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." This line goes right to the heart of finding the "perfect" person, which is what so many people are in a constant quest for. If we were to examine this line, we would realize that the key isn't so much finding the one person who is already perfect in every way, but rather to find a person that we love enough so that any "flaws" don't matter. Not everyone is perfect of course, but the ability to see beyond any shortcomings is precisely the stuff that best love sayings are made of, and on which lasting relationships can be built. Antoine de Saint-Exupery had this to say about love: "Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction." This is one of the best love sayings...or at least the most suitable...for those who are looking to examine the reasons why two people stay together. The first heady days of a relationship consist of plenty of handholding, eye gazing and sweet-nothing-whispering. But in order for the relationship to last, both partners should have a definite plan for the future that they both share and work towards. This will ensure a happy and rewarding relationship long after the initial thrill has waned.

Finally, one of the best love sayings is that old chestnut by Alfred Lord Tennyson, "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." Poignant, concise and straight to the point, these few words perfectly capture what so many people in love feel, and that alone makes it qualify for one of the top spots in anyone's list of best love sayings.

Cute Love Quotes

Is your heart bursting forth with love? Want to shout out to the whole world about how sweet your love is? Cute love quotes will help you to express loving thoughts about love, and as well as make you laugh with hilarity.

Whether you've just fallen head over heels in love, at the beginning stage of your relationship, or you just want to bask in the joy of your love, let these cute love quotes reflect your romantic and humorous side.

Cute Love Quotes

Cute Love Quotes

Cute Love Quotes

Cute Love Quotes

Cute Love Quotes

Cute Love Quotes

Cute Love Quotes

Let these humorous quotes about love give you something funny to smile about. Share these quotes with your family and friends so that they have something to smile about too.

There's many ways to bring joy and fun to your love relationship. Sending a bouquet of roses with a loving message when your lover is feeling down is romantic. Sending a love poem or writing one yourself is a hugely romantic gesture. Writing a wonderful love letter works also. Using a thesaurus and picking out descriptive words to describe the best sides of your sweetheart work amazingly well too.

Another method is to use cute love quotes in your Valentine's Day cards, emails and messages to bring a certain playful tone into your relationship. Make your girlfriend or boyfriend feel loved and cherished.

Add a dash of romance with these quotes and simply let the warmth of cute love quotes envelope you.

List of 10 Best Cute Love Quotes

1) "Other men have seen angels, But I have seen thee, And thou art enough." - G. Moore

2)"I'm not rushing into being in love. I'm finding fourth grade hard enough." - Regina 'Age 10'

3) "I was nauseous and tingly all over. I was either in love or I had smallpox." - Woody Allen

4) "A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous." - Ingrid Bergman

5) "I married the first man I ever kissed. When I tell this to my children, they just about throw up." - Barbara Bush

6) "Gravitation can not be held responsible for people falling in love." - Albert Einstein

7) "We don't believe in rheumatism and true love until after the first attack." - Marie E. Eschenbach

8) "Women are made to be loved, not understood." - Oscar Wilde

9) "At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet." - Plato

10) "Love is like an hour glass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties." - Jules Renord

Love Phrases

There are many ways to interpret all of the love phrases that have recently come about or been there for years. To explain to a person how they should view one is almost unfair. There may not be a "right" or "wrong" way to look at any of the thousands of wonderful little expressions put together with words to express how a person feels at the time or how one may have another feeling at a different time. These wondrous quotes of a feeling called love phrases can mean the world and sum up everything for the emotions felt at any given time or place. Or may mean absolutely nothing at another time or even bring about a negative feeling when the emotions are not in a good place for loving feelings.

Love Phrases

Love Phrases

Love Phrases

Love Phrases

Love Phrases

Love Phrases

Love Phrases

Love Phrases

Some may feel that every expression of love or the little heart felt love phrases are perfect and all mean the world to them, with all in their world being or feeling great and wonderful. While one could toss out something a simple as "love hurts" and they would totally disagree because they feel that their love is wonderful there is nothing about a good love that should EVER hurt. To them this may be true; however someone in an abusive relationship will say that love does hurt and another just in the midst of a break-up or one who has just lost someone very close may also agree. This said; love phrases mean what they mean to any person at any time and feeling any emotion be it positive or negative. It is the interpretation of love phrases that make them what they are and it is not what a person is told that they are or what they should mean to them. Make your own mind up and then believe and live it to the fullest.

Here is another one of these love phrases just as an example; "If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they are always yours. And if they don't, they never were." Look at that for a minute or two and maybe even reread it a couple of times. The first thought here is how beautiful the outcome of this little love phrase may be for giving a person in your life the freedom from you to just walk away and then come back if they really decide that being with you is what they will choose forever. Sounds pretty nice and that is agreed however; if it is looked at another couple of ways it might not be just a beautiful.

Love needs to be shared to be fulfilled by any two people and if one needs to be "let go" they were never sure in the first place and needed to see if there was anything better out there and then came to the conclusion that you are the best they can do and decided to come back. The other part of this is that they were let go and upon arriving back will stay forever. How could this be known? It may mean that this time they did not find anything better and may still continue to look. In these love phrases and so many others it is best to reflect on them in the most positive fashion so that you may then apply them to a situation and that it may help with or allow an explanation. In any situation the love phrases worked for the people who came up with them in the first place and might not match your situation, if this seems the case come up with you own or accept whatever meaning that follows what someone else said.