Love Meter

Posted by ThisQuotes

Whether they pseudo-satisfy us, or offer genuine aid, these approaches remain unique on their own. One such trend that helps in gauging the aspects of love is called 'love meter'. The purpose of love meter is to extract valuable information from one's love life to identify the strength and weaknesses of a relationship. It entails pre-defined set of questions that try to bring forth the crucial events, issues or dealing that one might be evading in real life. For example, it helps in getting clues about how 'possessive your partner is' etc. It helps in focusing the emotional loopholes of a relation, so that they can be improvised upon.

Love Meter

Love Meter

Love Meter

Love Meter

Love Meter

Love Meter

Love meters help people to come out of their denial phase and face their love life adversities with strength and optimism. A unique and useful blend of mathematics and psychology, love meter helps in forecasting the future of relationships with almost precision. It is a quantified approach towards studying human behavior and its impact on the partner. Based on simple logic, the questions about behavior of partners are drafted that are to be answered according to the rating provided, which range from one to ten. As people plot these scores, they give a part of their personalities away with each question, which is matched with those of the partners to understand the significant issues as; compatibility, competitiveness, ability to cope up with stress, flexibility, adaptability etc.

Not only does it help in forecasting the results in any relationship but it also allows one to understand, what sort of companions they are looking for and will be compatible with. Trying to identify the attributes in an individual or a partner one is comfortable with, to stay away from the behavioral or habitual characteristics that may cause trouble later. Love meter is a great way of finding out what personality would one be happy with and choose to spend the golden years of their lives.

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