Love Poems

Posted by ThisQuotes

Love poems have been an integral part of any literature, whether it is Western or Oriental. In fact, some of the best literature is related to love. Love is all pervasive and cannot be confined to any particular race or community. Hence, love poems have existed since ancient times.

Love Poems

Love Poems

Love Poems

Love Poems

Love Poems

Love Poems

Love Poems

Love has the power to change an ordinary person into a genuine poet, thereby encouraging him to write delightful love poems. Normally, the language of a love poem is simply flattering, and sometimes exaggerated, too.

Sometimes, a lot of negative thoughts tend to creep in a love poem if the poet is suffering due to lost love or unfulfilled love. Such poems reflect his shattered dreams, agony, and frustration.

Love is an eternal feeling- so expect love poems to reflect the changing times even though love remains the core theme always.

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