My Favorite Toffee

Posted by ThisQuotes

Sharing is a very satisfying value. When you share, you open your heart to the other you share with. My mother used to share her lunch with her cooks and maids. She never started her meal without giving to others. I watched her as a child and wanted to do the same.

One day, my father came back from office and gave one single toffee to me, as I was his youngest child. He told me he had bought some more, but couldn't bring them home. He saw some street children on the side walk and gave them all except one which he handed to me. I loved these especial sweets and I was happy to get even one.

Just then I remembered my three sisters who were adults and so would not have minded this act of dad. I was about to eat it, when I had an idea. I cut the toffee into four parts and after giving three pieces to my sisters, ate one of the tiny piece. They thanked me and went their way.

I was left wondering how my favorite toffee tasted better that day.
By, Amita Sinha

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