The Power In Giving

Posted by ThisQuotes

“When you are generous; when you are kind, you’re always making a difference whether you know it or not.” 
There is an energy that flows from giving wholeheartedly. The giver is always rewarded by the mere fact of doing so. You may never know how many people you helped or touched by one simple act of benevolence.
It can create a tidal wave of generosity or movement that spans wide and through. Pay attention to those times when a random thought pops in your mind, especially those times when the thought requires you to do something altruistic. I believe that we are continually receiving guidance. When we heed the thoughts of our minds to do something for another person; the results can be incredible. We may never know what the results were, but we can remain optimistic that good deeds will produce a fruitful chain reaction. When you follow through by doing something kind for another person without any expectation of return, you are co-creating with the universe. Connect with your heart daily and you will see that there are a myriad of possibilities to give during the course of the day. The prospects are endless. Trust and act by following your intuition. If you want to become more adept in trusting your intuition, meditation practice helps beautifully with this. It helps quiet the mind; your stream of thoughts will become clearer and you will hear guidance from your higher self; more predominantly as you practice regularly.

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