When a guy is in love...
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When a guy actually loves a girl, he loves hard. He puts her before himself and although it might not be a popular thing to do, he also puts her first before anybody else in his life. But when a guy is in love, he can't help it because when it comes to that girl, he doesn't think logically, he doesn't act rationally, and he doesn't have his feelings in complete control. All he knows is, he's found a girl that inspires him, that motivates him, that drives him to do whatever he sets his mind on. All he knows is, he's found a girl that makes him better, that makes him think about what's important, that makes him realize what his priorities are, that makes him think about his future. Even with his many flaws, she's able to bring out the best in him and he brings out his soft side, his sensitive side, his protective side, his vulnerable side, his emotional side, everything that makes him weak and that's just the beauty of it because a guy in love is a guy who's weak for the girl who makes him feel his strongest in everything he does. ~unknown
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