151 Inspirational Whatsapp Status Ever.

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We would like to share collection of the best inspirational status and quotes for Whatsapp. You can update these quotes on your Whatsapp profile to inspire your friends and colleagues. Whatsapp is the best and facile way to share short success stories and Whatsapp Quotes messages.

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151 Inspirational Whatsapp Status and Quotes

Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.
When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.
"Everything is okay in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end."
I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't.
Always be a first-copy version of yourself, instead of a second-copy version of somebody else.
Never tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
A champion is someone who gets up, even when he can't.
Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
If you don't ask, you don't get.
Take a deep breath and start again.
Always remember...The best is yet to come.
Jealousy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
Always try to get rid of anything that isn't helpful, pretty or cheery.
Miracles are everywhere.
Believe in yourself. Believe in miracles.
You can undo almost everything...Give time!!
Do or Die...There is no try.
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
When in doubt, just take the next small step.
If you don't make mistakes, you aren't really trying or aren't trying hard enough.
What you are is God's gift to you; what you make of yourself is your gift to God.- Jewish Proverb
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.- Wayne Gretzky
Every great achievement was once considered impossible.
You've got to follow your passion. You've got to figure out what it is you love--who you really are. And have the courage to do that. I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams.- Oprah Winfrey
Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will.- Dr. Robert Anthony
"If you are going through hell, keep going."- Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.- Eleanor Roosevelt
The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.
Believe that you can, and you're halfway of your goal.~~ - Theodore Roosevelt
When you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done.
Smile even through your tears, Be Strong even through your fears
"The people who laugh at you probably admire you the most."
Only in the darkness, you are able to see the stars.- martin luther king.

Inspirational Whatsapp Messages 

  • You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be.- Lou Holtz
  • People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. - George Bernard Shaw
  • Your present is the creature of your future.
  • Always do your best.
  • Learn then remove 'L'.
  • Amateurs... Built the ark.
  • Professionals... Built the Titanic.
  • Everything you've done is not as important as to what will you do now.- GBATISTE
  • To have a friend you need to be a friend.
  • Train your mind to see the good and positive in every situation.

If you believe in miracles then don't wait for someone to perform, do it for others...-Muhammad Yasir Arslan
The strongest emotion of all is LOVE, that's why it hurts us most.
Racism and tribalism blind the mind and soul- Dr.Mohammed F A Alrazak
Don't Be Kind All Time Sometime Show Your Bad Side.- Mashaal Mughal
"Those high on FAITH will never be low on HOPE "- GBATISTE
Life controls us by the things we want....we control life by getting the things we truly need- GBATISTE
Some kind of Magic happens in every moment...
True LOVE happens inside and out.....
"Always Think twice, speak once"
It's more important for YOU to believe in YOU.
With patience time takes care of itself.

Inspirational Whatsapp Status Quotes 

  • Love is the rhythm of two HEARTS beating as one.
  • Sometimes love means to stop where we are and start where someone needs us....
  • The condition of the HEART depends on the MIND.
  • Sometimes the truth is so hard to bear we'd rather listening to the lies.
  • Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove you can still stand.
  • Be yourself, no matter what others think. You have to live your life, not they.
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